Abhijit Bhaduri’s Blog

I write about careers, skills and the world of work. The cartoons and sketches are mine.

15 Twitter Years: 2009-2024
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

15 Twitter Years: 2009-2024

One dog year is equal to seven human years. What would 15 Twitter Years translate to? It saw some significant shifts in the world of work: The rise of hybrid work; e-commerce; tech shaping business models, the rise of the skills economy; the pandemic that changed so many assumptions about work and the mental health challenges triggered by the daily uncertainty at work.

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Time to change the work template

Time to change the work template

Most online classes are excruciatingly boring because they have the speaker continue for long stretches without involving participants. This can be done through polls, parallel chats, drawings, videos, quizzes, built in every few minutes. It is hard for the speaker to see the facial expressions of the learner. That is essential to build engagement.

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