Abhijit Bhaduri’s Blog
I write about careers, skills and the world of work. The cartoons and sketches are mine.
Be a Storyteller for Your Profession
Every profession needs a storyteller because stories humanize, simplify, and enliven complex ideas, making them relatable and memorable. Storytelling bridges gaps, fosters empathy, and drives change. As a professional, you can be a storyteller, turning experiences into narratives that inspire, educate, and influence. Harness your unique perspective and voice to shape your profession’s narrative and impact.
Before you tell your story do this one thing that storytellers do
"I want to be a hashtag#writer. A full-time writer..."
What happened after that
is unbelievable
Why do we HATE presentations BUT LOVE stories
People hashtag#hate hashtag#presentations
but hashtag#love hashtag#stories and hashtag#storytellers
If you want to be a storyteller then
Tip No 1: The slides are NOT speaker notes. They are not meant for the audience either. You read that right. Learn how storytellers use slides.
How to get others to support your ideas
How do you get people to support your idea? Getting approval from the senior management is often about the language of you have used in the document or presentation. That's what experts say. When I speak about this, a lot of people believe that if the idea is good enough, it does not need selling. Several bright people look at selling an idea as the socially acceptable term for telling a lie. That is so not true. An idea - no matter how brilliant - has to be sold.
Do you have a boring workplace
Do you look forward to being back at work on a Monday morning? Do you look forward to being in a place surrounded by inspiring colleagues? Let me put it simply. Is your workplace as boring and devoid of personality as is possible? Is it soul-crushing? I can tell you a simple way to find out. Read on ...
Introduction to Storytelling by Pixar
I am a fan of Pixar's storytelling style. I don't know if you have ever read their famous 22 rules of storytelling? If you have not, you must. Some of the tips are really super useful to newbies like me who are fascinated enough by the magic to want to be a magician. But for now one has to be grateful that I am getting to read the magician's book of spells before he returns. I make a quick note of rule number 2 in the Book of Spells.
Anything Normal Is Not A Story
How can you start to notice stories? Where do you need to go? What is the training that makes you a wonderful writer?
I would say it is the ability to observe the "truth" and then tell it well. Start listening to the stories in the lives of people. Tuck away the stories in your mind. Make notes and sketches.
Remember, what is normal is NOT a story.
Building Org Cultures Through Storytelling
THE Tale, the Parable, and the Fable are all common and popular modes of conveying instruction. The Tale is a story either founded on facts, or sometimes just a figment of imagination. There are no moral lessons expected to be learned. The Parable is intended to convey secret meanings. Fables are intended to impact human behavior through the stories and the characters. Good and bad characters are clearly demarcated. Aesops fables have become a part of our everyday language. The story of the thirsty crow dropping pebbles in a pitcher to raise up the level of water is one of the first lessons in innovation we learned. The moral of the story is explicitly stated at the end eg "Necessity is the mother of invention" in case of the Crow and the Pitcher story.