Abhijit Bhaduri’s Blog

I write about careers in the AI Economy and about the world of work. The sketchnotes are my own.

Alphabetica - a Book Review
Abhijit Bhaduri Abhijit Bhaduri

Alphabetica - a Book Review

This allegorical tale features the letters of the alphabet as ‘characters’ living on the planet ‘Typewriter’ and in a country called ‘Alphabetica’. With the consonants being the majority and vowels the minority, the book takes a deep dive into the majoritarianism of the world.

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Unethical behavior of a colleague - should I report it?

Unethical behavior of a colleague - should I report it?

I have been working abroad as an IT specialist for 20 years. Under my stewardship, one of the projects, which was outsourced to an Indian company, faced some delays. Blaming me unfairly for the delay, a co-worker accused me of being  racially biased & not protecting the interest of my organization. I was very upset with his accusation and it led to a heated altercation. ... wait there is more to it.

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I fought with my boss. Now what?

I fought with my boss. Now what?

I was being repeatedly challenged to fix a higher target by my boss two levels my senior. Unable to take it beyond a point, I let off some steam and things turned unpleasant between us. This happened in an open office meeting. I now feel awkward facing him. He hasn’t spoken to me since the incident and my immediate superior has refused to intervene. How should I break the ice and maintain continuity at work?

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