Abhijit Bhaduri’s Blog
I write about careers, skills and the world of work. The cartoons and sketches are mine.
Employer brands, benchmarking and writing
If you’re a morning person, you should do your analytical work early when you’re at peak alertness; your routine tasks around lunchtime in your trough; and your creative work in the late afternoon or evening when you’re more likely to do nonlinear thinking. The reverse holds true if you are a night owl.
Abhijit's Sketchnotes No 14
Being a team leader very often means transitioning from being an individual contributor to a people manager’s role. That often comes with a salary bump and a career path that gets more attention everywhere. Doing well as an individual contributor has no bearing on how well the person does as a people manager.
Adam Grant at SHRM18 in Chicago
Don't do exit interviews. Do "entry interviews". Let the managers sit down with the new hire and ask, "What are your favorite projects?" "What goals do you wish to pursue."Don't forget to ask them, "What is broken in our interview process and how do we fix it?"Crowdsource your requests to ask for help with an unproven idea. Get a group of experts to weigh in. Build a bridge with what is familiar within the organization and people who are outside of your organization.
The Adam Grant Interview
In the long run, the most effective style is not taking or matching, but giving: helping others with no strings attached. Givers tend to build deeper and broader networks than takers and matchers, investing in meaningful relationships that provide motivation, social capital, and access to new ideas. Adam Grant spoke to me about hiring, networking and his own approach to managing time.