Reinventing Myself

Rein+venting means Rein in your fears and stop venting = Reinventing

Reinvention is all about crafting a new identity

I am an executive coach. I have 3 kinds of clients:

  1. First is a set of people who struggle to explain in simple terms, what work they do.

  2. The second category of clients has a skill mismatch. When people move through their career from being an individual contributor manager to a functional leader, to a business leader or enterprise leader role, through each shift the role changes. Stakeholders become more complex and each shift needs a new set of skills.

  3. Sometimes the issue is a fit of the leader with the culture of the organisation.

    Reinvention often requires recrafting one’s identity because it involves a deep shift in how we see ourselves. It means letting go of familiar roles and embracing new perspectives. This process challenges old habits and beliefs, compelling us to redefine our purpose. Reinventing ourselves isn’t just about gaining new skills but building a new narrative that reflects our evolution. It’s a personal transformation that aligns who we are becoming with the world we wish to engage in, and that often requires shedding the past.


Life long reinvention will help late bloomers