How to Make a Good Impression on Zoom and Email

Virtual impressions can be every bit as rich and positive as if you were standing in the same room—if you avoid critical pitfalls that can make the other person think you don’t care about the conversation.

- Overcommunicate to Avoid Negative Assumptions: Regularly share updates and engage in conversations to demonstrate your commitment and interest, preventing any negative assumptions about your dedication or concern.

- Show Engagement Through Rephrasing and Frequent Check-Ins: Actively participate in meetings by rephrasing comments to show attentiveness, and send frequent follow-up emails to reinforce your engagement and responsiveness.

Match Your Environment and Language: Enhance your virtual impression by mirroring your conversation partner's environment and communication style. If they display personal items like family photos or use informal language and pop-culture references, consider doing the same. This strategy fosters a sense of familiarity and trust, making you more relatable and approachable. The same goes for using emojis. Use the emojis that the other person uses. If they don’t you must avoid these too.

Mimic Interests and Communication Cues: Displaying similar interests or using similar language cues as your conversation partner can significantly improve your rapport. Research shows that people who align their visible interests or use language mimicry during interactions are perceived more favorably and achieve better negotiation outcomes. However, ensure you are aware of the other person's interests to avoid potential missteps.


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