Want to be an expert? Try these three tips

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Leverage the power of visualization

Just see yourself performing the skill as an expert. Imagine every step going well. That will get your mind and body ready to take those steps in real life. Perfection begins with visualization.

Don’t seek feedback

When you seek feedback too early during the practice, you will get feedback about all the places you are getting it wrong. That will dent your confidence. So wait till you get to an average level of performance. Seek feedback from someone who is just a notch ahead of you. They understand how hard it is to master a skill. They will share their own ideas and hacks.

Some podcasts I have enjoyed

Try multiple formats

I watch cooking or sketching related videos. I am a novice at cooking. So I need to learn the basics - how to hold the knife to chop vegetables. But for many other skills I read books. I love listening to podcasts. They are a powerful way to understand a subject in depth.

Try these three techniques and let me know which one you found to be most useful. Not seeking feedback is my favorite hack.

Have a question? Email me at abhijitbhaduri@live.com

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