Learning ecosystems - how to build these
Learning ecosystems improve learning outcomes
You probably use one or more of these open source learning systems: TED talks, General Assembly, EdX, Big Think ... and then you have many formats of content - videos, podcasts, blogs, websites, newsletters. I use a number of whitepapers and reports published by various organizations. Your employer probably has their own LMS to share content. Having great content does not ensure learning.Read: Is your learning team doing these 4 things?
5 Capabilities of the learning ecosystem
The Degreed blog talks of 5 capabilities that learning ecosystems must have
- Diverse learning content
- A clear career path and development opportunity
- Using data to make decisions
- Dashboards that monitor relevant activity
- Measure skills and offer guidance
Read: Binge Learning: Is that even a thing?
From Learning to Skills
Learning is a self-directed activity. When the knowledge is used to solve a problem, it turns to a skill. Employers encourage learning, but it is only when the businesses allow for employees to apply what they have learned to solve problems, the learning turns to a skill.