McKinsey Jobs Report for 2030


Automation is inevitable to drive productivity and growth. 60% occupations will see 30% automation says McKinsey’s 2030 prediction report. The impact will vary by country’s ability to adopt tech. The report lists 6% of the jobs to be impacted in India.Countries with high wage rate will be forced to automate faster. NEW JOBS will be created in DEVELOPING countries with rising income of middle class. Middle class spending will drive growth in some sectors. The sectors that will grow are: energy, infra, elder care & construction. Services sector will continue to grow.

McKinsey 2030 Jobs Scenario Recommendations

1. Focus on social skillsStop saying Steve Jobs had poor social skills & still got away. You are not Jobs. Focus on building Emotional Intelligence.2. Craft a 60 day plan to upskill and reskill yourselfAsk yourself what skills you will need for another employer to find you valuable. Speak to headhunters and ask them what skills are currently valuable to have for someone like you.3. Mid career job training will create new training modelsA case in point is what AT&T is doing as reported by HR Dive

  • AT&T, recently voted one of Forbes' 100 Best Employees to Work For, has taken on the task of retraining 100,000 members (nearly one-third) of its current global workforce, Forbes reports. AT&T says part of the reason behind the initiative is to ensure that its employees' skills will not be obsolete in the next 10 years.
  • Much of that potential for skills disruption is caused by consumer use of mobile phones and data plans; data usage among AT&T customers alone grew 250,000% since the iPhone was introduced to the market in 2007. The company has replaced nearly 75% of its hardware with computer operated systems.
  • The initiative, known as Workforce 2020, includes a suite of new learning programs and facilities. AT&T plans to invest over a billion dollars in its push to prepare employees to face the next wave of technology.

What would you advise people to be better prepared for MID CAREER transitions? Thanks for sharing your suggestions. Read the full report: key findings are summarised below: 


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