The Confidence Game: Book Review

The Confidence Game, Maria KonnikovaIn India we often refer to a confidence trickster or a con as a "420". The term “420” comes from a reference to Section 420 of the Indian Penal Code is used in India to refer to a confidence trickster. Even in neighboring Myanmar, term 420 persists in popular culture to this date. Psychologist and writer for, Maria Konnikova has put together a great read on how the cons operate and more importantly, what makes us fall for these cons? Have you ever been tricked? I have. But have you tricked anyone?Robert Feldman, psychologist tells us that two people getting acquainted lie an average of three times in ten minutes. Some of these lies are also necessary social lubricants. When you fake interest in the boring life-story of someone or telling someone that you are pleased to meet them, you are merely doing what is socially expected. When the same behavior is taken a notch higher, we get the scams.Mithilesh Kumar Srivastava, better known as Natwarlal was a noted con man who operated in the seventies and eighties in India. He was known for having “sold” the Taj Mahal, the Red Fort, the Rashtrapati Bhavan and even the House of Parliament to the rich and gullible. After being caught when the judge asked him how he managed to convince people to part with their wealth, he said, “Your honour, I charge a fee (guru dakshina) to teach people. Give me a hundred rupees and I will be happy to tell you the secret.” The judge gave him the hundred rupee note. Natwarlal smiled and said, “This is the method.”Confidence-GameThe Confidence Game is a fascinating read into the modus operandi of cons. But when you read it, compare the steps of a con with a sales person or a lawyer or anyone whose day job is to influence others. Here is how the con works:Step 1: “Put Up” is when the con sizes up the opportunity.Step 2: “The Play” is where the con approaches the victim.Step 3: “The Rope” is the hooking of the victim by gaining the confidenceStep 4: The Touch” is that moment when the actual fleecing takes place.A con is actually a master of influencing skills. Attending a masterclass on influencing skills or negotiation skills will not raise any eyebrows. A confidence trickster is a master influencer cum psychologist who has crossed over to the dark side. He is the wizard in Harry Potter tales who uses magic for hurting others.Con artists sell hope. So did Bernie Madoff when he sold his infamous Ponzi scheme. Think of the numerous scams that people have pulled off. Here is a list you can flip through <click here>. So do politicians when they promise the impossible during the election campaigns. What is even more interesting is that despite repeatedly being duped, we will once again the next one who promises the moon. We are all geared to trust and believe stories. When we are in distress or getting euphoric, we are most likely to get conned in style. So when someone announces their hook-ups or break-ups on social media they are inviting the cons to check out their next potential victim.How do the cons do this? Don’t they feel a sense of remorse? No they do not. Like psychopaths, they do not feel any emotion or guilt. The cons are also high on narcissism. They believe they are entitled to success without having to work for it. And they are very high on Machiavellianism. When the author went to interview them, they actually charmed her by talking about her books. They had actually researched her. People who survive regime changes in organizations display all these traits too.This is a book full of stories about the dark side of influence and it makes for fascinating reading. Check it out. I certainly loved it.---------------My recommendation of a book about Psychopaths <click here>My pick of a film about a master con <click here>----------------Join me on twitter @AbhijitBhaduri


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