Who Wants a Piece of SlumdogM

The Hindu 14 Feb 09The euphoria of Oscars in India is still there as a lingering hangover. Everyone is basking in reflected glory - even me. I had predicted two Oscars for AR Rahman in my review of Slumdog Millionaire (see comment dated 8th Feb 09). So there... but the one that takes the cake is the ruling party in India taking credit for the Oscars. I kind of partly support their claim to fame. They are certainly responsible for our slums and the millionaire politicians.The book (originally published as Q&A) by Vikas Swarup has now been renamed as Slumdog Millionaire and the sales are shooting up. Did Vikas feel that he missed the Oscars by a whisker when Simon Beaufoy got it for adapting his book... I wonder.Slumdog Millionaire sits squarely in all best seller lists.The Deccan Chronicle in its Sunday 22 Feb 09 listing of top books has1. The White Tiger - Aravind Adiga2. The Associate - John Grisham3. Slumdog M - Vikas Swarup4. Married But AvailableDeccan Chronicle 22 Feb 09The Hindu dated 14 Feb 09 lists the top 5 fiction books as

1. Twilight by Stephenie Meyer – Atom Rs. 299

2. Slumdog Millionaire by Vikas Swarup – Black Swan Rs. 268

3. The Associate by John Grisham – Arrow Rs. 229

4. Married but Available by Abhijit Bhaduri – Harper Rs. 195

5. The Diary Of A Social Butterfly by Moni Mohsin – Random House Rs. 195


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